„ It is never too late to ...? “ - they say
express an art, may be?
„ When I draw I am me...“
„ Life is full with inspiration moments “
and killing views
„ It is never too late to ...? “ - they say
express an art, may be?
Hi everyone! My name is Milena Levicharova and obiviously I have
decided to have a site, where I can show my pictures. I hope you will like them and give a thumb or a star in this case particularly. Also if you have any comments or advices, feel free to share them with me. Your support is highly appreciated.
My home town is Varna, Bulgaria where I still live with my precious family.
My hobby is my art. I also like music, reading books, hanging out with friends,
good food and good drinks, occasionally, but on a regular basis. My vanity
makes me want to write more about me, but that is not the goal of this site.
Check out my paintings! :)